9 Reasons Why You Should Never, Ever Eat Doritos
- by Oliver James
- 2 years ago
- Food & Beverage
Doritos are always a tasty snack, especially when you're on the road. However, the traditional nacho cheese chips are not the ideal option for people controlling their weight. Indeed, health experts advise that the popular food be avoided at all times because it contains dangerous chemicals, preservatives, and additives. Furthermore, they may result in certain major ailments later on...
1. They contain genetically engineered corn.
Corn is the first ingredient on the Doritos list, however it is genetically engineered corn. GMOs have been connected to an increase in allergies and inflammation in the United States, as well as digestive and reproductive system issues.
2. That's not all there is to it...
In truth, the majority of the flavour in Doritos originates from Mono-sodium glutamate (MSG), salt, and sugar, a "trifecta" that can be harmful to your body if ingested in excess.
3. The dyes are also bad for you!
Have you ever wondered how Doritos get their signature orange colour? It comes from a variety of hydrogenated oils and dyes, including Yellow dye 5, Yellow dye 6, and Red dye 40, all of which are potentially harmful to your health.
4. They may cause you to gain weight.
All of these GMOs and chemicals have the potential to cause weight gain. So, if you want to prevent loading on the pounds, limit your Doritos consumption.
5. The chips are also high in salt!
Nacho Cheese Doritos (11 chips) contain 210 mg of salt per serving. That is, if you consume the suggested portion size. This snack is a simple way to exceed your recommended sodium, fat, and calorie intake. So pay attention to the serving sizes!
6.They have the potential to produce inflammation.
Doritos' harmful elements can have a severe impact on your body over time, beginning with inflammation. Diabetes, migraines, mental illness, Celiac disease, asthma, and arthritis can all result from this.
7. The dyes are harmful to your children.
Long-term negative effects of Red dye 40 consumption can include immunological diseases, A.D.D., and A.D.H.D., particularly in youngsters. Because Doritos are a popular snack among children, you should strive to replace them with something healthier.
8. They are fried with harmful components.
Doritos are cooked with commercially processed vegetable oils, which might cause a rise in free radicals in the body. They're also genetically modified and high in trans fats, which can lead to inflammation, weakened immunity, increased oestrogen circulation, and vitamin deficiency.
9. Doritos are linked to cancer?
GMOs used in the production of Doritos are considered carcinogens and have been related to breast cancer, autism, gluten sensitivities, diabetes, and inflammation. Yikes!
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